Monday, February 16, 2009


Francisco X. Alarcon is an award-winning Chicano poet who boasts that a poem makes us see every thing for the first time. Hang various types of chilies around the reading area. As the students start to arrive, invite them to discover the chilies using some of their senses.

By Francisco X. Alarcon

Chile El chile
sometimes a veces basta
a bite is all it takes una mordida
for a supernova para que explote
to explode una supernova

[From LAUGHING TOMATOES AND OTHER SPRING POEMS by Francisco X. Alarcon, Illustrated, by Maya Christina Gonzalez 1997, ISBN: 0892391995]

Read the poem in English and Spanish. After reading the poem, invite students to share their experiences they have had after eating something spicy and then invite the students to share their experiences after eating something bland. As a group, create a new poem only using something bland as the subject.

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